Knot-Pharmacard Subcondition J
(alternate download)
Don't play it if you suffer from epilepsy (it has lots of rapidly flickering colours).
Let me know if it crashes.

The idea behind this came from the theme "bricolage", meaning "a construction made of whatever materials are at hand; something created from a variety of available things". I went through a bunch of unfinished prototypes I had lying around, foetal games that will never see birth, and copied chunks of code out of each of them, pasted them into one file, and stuck some arbitrary interactions between them. There is a victory condition; it doesn't make much sense, but it is possible to reach a "you win" screen. Don't feel compelled to aim for this though, just do whatever.
Edit: The zip was slightly corrupt (3 non-essential files were broken), this has been fixed.
Edit: Updated with very slightly modified version - main difference is that it displays a title screen. Also, the "you win" screen is replaced by just having weird graphical effects then going back to title. (15/9)
Weird game. It's like a battle of single-celled organisms.
ReplyDeleteI got 3 corrupt files in this download, though: bass0.wav, bass2.wav, and bass3.wav
Beautiful! I love the sound. The environment is interesting throughout. Didn't beat it the first time, but I'm about to dive in again. Will be looking out for your new releases :)
ReplyDeleteI also had the 3 corrupt files problem.
I also liked the game, it was weird and new - actually, a battle between single-celled organisms would be pretty cool... :-)
ReplyDeleteWindows failed to extract all files, so I just extracted a few at a time and it appears to have worked. I'm disappointed that I can't read the text that pops up when I click on stuff. It gets covered by the clutter and fades away too fast.
ReplyDelete"Bandwidth Limit Exceeded"
ReplyDeleteAnyone up for mirroring it on MediaFire / MegaUpload / Etc.?
what is this i don't even
ReplyDeleteGreat game!
ReplyDeleteThis is brilliant! And I won. The means through which I got there seemed oddly logical to me, too.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the mode where there are radial lines and psychedelic red dots swarming everywhere and clicking the snake makes it get bigger. I didn't so much enjoy the mode which you enter after clicking the space-station-like thing where you have to link the spheres up.
Also, apologies if the game is actually nothing like what I described, it was kind of hard to tell what was happening.
Can we have a mac / unix compile for this one?
ReplyDeleteI think this is wonderful - astonishing atmosphere, and tangible sense of the profound. Love the music, too. Superb!
ReplyDeleteArrrgh, I want to play this insanity, but I have epilepsy. :(
ReplyDeleteSorry dude. I don't think the game's worth having a seizure for though. But it's up to you; there are rapidly flashing colours and the screen shakes and just weird stuff like that, so if you're okay with that then go for it - I don't know much about epilepsy, I guess there are different types. I just don't want to be responsible for anything bad happening to you.